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So you want to lose weight, everybody knows that eating a healthy diet should be your first priority.
# what is the best diet for fat loss?
# Exercise is a factor, but diet is king when it comes to lifelong weight management. Hopefully this article will give you some easy, yet effective ways for you to make healthy changes in the way you eat on a daily basis.
Try to make sure you eat some healthy fats in most of your meals. Eating enough healthy fats is important for you to maintain proper fat burning and muscle building hormone levels in your body. Keeping enough healthy fats in your diet also helps in getting your appetite under control.
Some of the best sources of dietary fats are found in raw nuts, egg yolks (from organic free-range eggs), seeds, avocados, extra virgin olive oil (which has the highest antioxidant content of olive oils), coconut oil (another great source of healthy saturated fats in the form of medium-chain triglycerides), and grass-fed meats (good source of the healthy fat, conjugated linoleic acid, which will enable your body to not only burn body fat but build muscle as well).Try this tip — eat a handful of raw nuts (pecans, walnuts, and almonds are probably the best and tastiest healthy choices) 3 times a day about 1/2 hour prior to meals. This can help to suppress your appetite provide your body some protein, fiber, and healthy fats that way, you eat fewer calories all together at your meals and you will get more nutrition at the same time because of the high nutrient density of most nuts.
High Quality Protein Source

You should also try and eat a high quality protein source with each meal and any snacks that you might eat.
Getting enough proteins also helps you to build lean muscle (that is if your hitting the weights hard ) that way your metabolism can run at a much higher rate from the increase in lean muscle in your body.
Eating enough protein at the majority of your meals also helps your body in controlling insulin and blood sugar levels by helping to slow the breakdown of carbs you have ingested.
Healthy Carbs

Although I do not completely agree with extremely low-carb diets, It is my belief that one of the biggest reasons that so many people struggle to lose weight for most of their life is simply due to consuming excessive processed carbohydrates such as refined grain-based starches and refined sugars on an almost daily basis.
The best sugars are whole sugars which are found in whole fruits and berries, which are ok because the fiber in fruits and berries can help to slow the blood sugar response in your body. Try to stay away from fruit juices, which are made up mostly from sugar and have the fiber removed in the processing of the juice.
It has been my observation, that when people start to minimize their grain consumption (from cereals, bagels, breads, pasta, etc), they will start to lose more body fat much easier. What I’ve often noticed, is when people minimize eating grains and focus their carbohydrate consumption on fruits and vegetables solely. This one little step alone is the foundation for the best diet for fat loss and usually helps people to start managing their weight more easily.
Try to input these 3 tips for eating a much smarter, healthier diet and before you know it, you’ll start to see a leaner body and more energy in no time.
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