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##No relation between men and women! What is an effective way to drink a protein diet?

What Is An Effective Way To Drink A Protein Diet?
What Is An Effective Way To Drink A Protein Diet?
What Is An Effective Way To Drink A Protein Diet?

Protein is a low-calorie, high-protein food that is an effective source of protein for those who

Protein is a low-calorie, high-protein food that is an effective source of protein for those who exercise during a diet.

However, protein does not need to be taken if the amount of protein needed per day can be obtained from the normal diet. If you are on a light exercise diet, keep in mind that most of the time you will not need protein most of the time if you have three meals, a tight and balanced diet.

So why is protein so effective in a diet? Also, I would like to think about how to drink it effectively.

It may bring an improvement effect on the following people.

(1)Those who have problems with beauty such as rough skin due to diet and dryness of hair

(2)Those whose muscles have fallen due to a diet (looks bad)

(3)Those who lose their nutritional balance due to diet

drink water for fat lose

#what is protein?

The protein commonly referred to is exactly protein powder. Protein powder is protein powder. Also, because it is extracted from natural ingredients such as milk and soybean, it is no different from ordinary food.

Protein is just a supplement. Therefore, the original purpose is to use it as a supplement to everyday meals.


#Humans need proteins!

Protein is an important nutrient that constitutes the body. A lack of protein can lead to unfixed internals and muscles, rough skin, dull hair, and rough nails. People who skip the diet often suffer from rough skin, but the main cause of this is protein deficiency.

Collagen, which is said to be good for your skin, is actually a type of protein. Therefore, if you supplement protein with collagen drink etc., it may be easier for your wallet to drink protein.


#Let’s grasp the daily intake of protein

Daily protein intake varies from person to person, so it is necessary to manage it with a guideline. Also, proteins are basically not stored. You need to get a good balance of protein in your daily intake and every meal. A concrete guideline for intake can be calculated using the formula below.

Those who do not move at all:  Weight (kg) x 0.8 (g)
Those who move a little in their daily lives such as work and housework:  Weight (kg) x 1 (g)
Those who do physical labor or exercise:  Weight (kg) x 1.2-1.5 (g)
Those who want to exercise and exercise muscle:  Weight (kg) x 1.5-2 (g)

It is important to note that the staple foods of Japanese people are mainly carbohydrates such as white rice, bread, and noodles, and they tend to lack protein. Those who say “only bread in the morning” or “only udon in the daytime” should be careful.



Keep in mind that a person exercising on a diet will need 1.2 times more protein, especially. If you don’t, you will lose muscle when you reduce your calorie intake on a diet.


#Does protein make me fat?

The conclusion is that it is harder to fatten (comes with fat) than other ingredients. Protein is less likely to become fat than other nutrients such as sugar and lipid. However, if “total calorie intake> calorie consumption” is reached, no matter what you eat, you will get fat.

gym diet

#You may not need protein in your diet!?

Let’s think again about the need for protein. Maybe you don’t need it.

Consider a man who weighs 60 kg and regularly exercises. In the case of this person, the protein requirement is 60 (kg) × 1.2 to 1.5 (g) = 72 g to 90 g, the total calorie intake is 2000 kcal and the following menu is eaten

(Morning) 1 pack of natto, rice, fried egg (2 eggs)  Protein 20g (600kcal)
(Lunch) Salmon set meal (salmon fillet 150g)  Protein 30g (700 kcal)
(Evening) Rice, stir-fried vegetables, miso soup (150g pork used) Protein 30g (700 kcal)

Since the total amount of protein is within 80g and the total amount of calories is within 80g, it meets the required amount. There is no shortage if you eat properly with protein-containing food for three meals.

However, it’s a hassle to take three meals from a protein-rich meal! Because you exercise hard, you don’t have enough protein to eat a normal diet! In other words, let’s rely on supplements (protein). Originally, protein is a supplement.


#How to drink protein that is effective for dieting?

By maintaining calorie balance and reducing calories, you can achieve both a healthy and beautiful body and a diet. First of all, let’s calculate the amount of protein in the daily diet. In addition, it is effective in the following situations.

#If you need enough protein per day

Replace high-calorie foods with protein.

Example) Pork belly 100 g 380 kcal → Protein 100 kcal 20 g

You can subtract it from the calorie intake by the amount you reduced. This way, some high-calorie foods on the menu are replaced with high-protein, low-calorie proteins. I don’t recommend a diet method that replaces one meal with protein only from the standpoint of nutritional balance.


Not enough protein per day.

Add protein to your diet.

Example) Breakfast Bread only → Bread and protein

Especially in the morning, many people tend to lack protein. Especially in the morning, while you are sleeping, it is better to replenish the protein because it is used up. However, I think that there are many people who wake up in the morning and cannot eat, or who can finish it lightly. So, I recommend a protein that you can drink by just shaking lightly. It is easy to digest, so there is less strain on the gastrointestinal tract just after getting up.


#Summary-What about a protein diet?

I think that people with low exercise intensity have almost no use. By calculating the calorie intake and eating a nutritionally balanced meal each time, you can achieve a beautiful body and a diet.

However, protein is easy. It’s easy because you don’t have to spend time cooking, and you only have to measure and drink as much as you want. Dieting is meaningless if you don’t continue, so it may be important to choose an easy method.





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