I write blog for food health and nutrition there’s a lot of misleading weight loss information on the internet most of what is recommended is very very questionable and not at all science based these quick fixes and diet plans don’t work and even
If they do the lost weight comes back it is very very important to understand that the only way to lose weight and to keep it off in the long term is to make changes to your lifestyle no shortcuts or crazy diet plans just some basic lifestyle changes let’s get started with my five diet tips to help you lose weight and to help you towards a better and healthier liefest
Table of Contents
1 Eat five to six smaller meals throughout the day instead of binge eating.
The logic behind this tip is that when you eat smaller meals throughout the day you’re never really extremely hungry and the chances of you overeating is less when you overeat a meal multiple things happen in the body
Your blood sugar and insulin level spikes immediately and once the food is digested there is a rapid drop in the blood sugar and insulin level this rapid spike and rapid drop in the level of blood sugar and insulin eventually decreases the response of insulin in the body leading to type 2 diabetes.
When you eat smaller and more frequent meals the rice and drop of insulin in the body is more controlled and more stable also when you overeat most of the excess calories that the body does not really need is stored in the form of fat deposits in the body resulting in fat gain so the solution is to eat smaller more frequent meals throughout the day instead of binge eating everything all at once.
2 No sweets or desserts after your meals
we are so so used to eating sweets or desserts after our meals it is so ingrained in us while that is okay once in a while it is not such a great idea on a regular basis because once the body has got whatever calories.
It needs it converts everything extra especially sugar into fat but there is a way to trick your body you can have your favorite sweet or dessert 30 to 45 minutes before your lunch or dinner or you can even have it in the evenings as a snack or you can have it as a pre-workout meal or before your evening walks this will definitely be a game changer in your weight loss journey
3 Cut down added sugars.
Packaged fruit juices biscuits milkshakes flavored yogurts are examples of foods with a lot of added sugars in them in fact i have made a list of such foods in my last blog cutting down on these foods and in effect cutting down on the level of added sugars is the single most effective thing that will help you in your weight loss journey.
It has been scientifically shown that people whose diets predominantly consist of added sugars are more prone to the risk of heart diseases diabetes and obesity so here is what you can do to cut down on the level of added sugars swap fruit juices with real whole fruits swap cold drinks or soda with drinking water swap packaged yogurts with homesick curd don’t buy these foods in the first place from supermarkets because it is difficult to resist the urge of having these foods when they are just lying around in the house.
4 Is portion control.
While you don’t need to starve yourself or go on crazy diets for weight loss you have to exercise some amount of portion control the best way to do that is one start with less amount of food on your plate than you think you can eat and two follow the 20 minute rule of eating it takes approximately 20 minutes for our brain to receive a signal of fullness from our stomach so,
If you eat your food slowly and chew it properly chances are you would not have to go for that second helping of food which means that you will end up not over eating your food which means that no excess fat storage in the body even if it seems impossible to eat slowly in today’s fast-paced world we must strive to find at least 30 peaceful minutes for eating our food.
5 Compulsory evening snack.
Make it a point to eat a homemade snack in the evenings every single day evenings are the time when we are most prone to eating unhealthy or junk food items and you can easily change that if you plan for your snacks beforehand or at least keep some nuts and fruits handy .
I have a detailed video on seven different vegetarian snack options that you can easily make at home also if you eat an evening snack you’re less likely to overeat during the dinner these five diet tips that i’ve given you in this video might or might not work for you you’ll have to try them out and give it at least four to five weeks for them to work in spite of following all these tips.
If you think that your weight loss is a struggle don’t hesitate to consult a doctor and look at other hormonal or thyroid issues other than these five diet tips the two other pillars for good health are exercise and good sleep make sure that you exercise for at least 150 minutes every week you can do whatever you like for example strength training aerobics dance yoga whatever suits you and you are committed to good undisturbed sleep of 7 to 8 hours is also crucial for repair and recovery of our system in fact it has been scientifically shown that good sleep is directly proportional to a healthy weight let me know in the comments section which of these diet tips you found the most useful and you are most likely to follow
i’ll see you guys in my next blog take care until then