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Best Diet plan  4-step to lose belly fat within 1 month 

Best Diet Plan  4-step To Lose Belly Fat Within 1 Month 

Best Diet plan  4-step to lose belly fat within 1 month  is one of the most stubborn areas of your body. It’s difficult to lose fat from this body part. Fat in belly is caused mainly due to inactivity; but once formed, you have to work hard to get rid of it. Of course, as the saying goes ‘Prevention is better than cure’, but now since that line has been crossed.

one has to find ways to lose that Best Diet plan 4-step to lose belly fat within 1 month. But before that, you must reduce fat from the other parts of your body; this is the way to begin.

Other than this, there are other challenges too, when you try to lose belly fat for fitness. The other thing is; diet goes hand in hand with any form of exercise. So, if you go on a diet and start with cardio for losing Best Diet plan 4-step to lose belly fat within 1 month; you might do it in the morning, but feel the fatigue throughout the day and sit on the couch most of the time, through the day. Now, this too wouldn’t help you to reach your goal. Start with this 4-step cardio plan, with a balanced diet.

A crash diet is never a good idea; where you follow it for some days and then start binging again. This is a slow progressing cardio fitness regime, along with a balanced diet; it may take time, but would be ideal for a long-lasting effect.


Best Diet plan  4-step to lose belly fat within 1 month


Best DIet plan 4-step to lose belly fat within 1 month

  •       Baseline Cardio

    – The idea of a baseline cardio is; to get started on a slow and regular cardio routine. Start incline walking on the treadmill for 10 minutes initially, in the mornings or evenings or before or after your weights exercise. The benefit of this is that; you’ll be able to recover soon and not be tired the whole day, also the risk of injury is minimal. The shoes you wear is also important; it should be something you are comfortable in and able to do the walk consistently. Start on low intensity cardio exercises, like cycling, every day, after the 10 minutes incline walk, at least for a week. It won’t be much, we know it and there won’t be any significant weight loss, but this is to get a grip over regular cardio exercises.

Best Diet plan  4-step to lose belly fat within 1 month

Best DIet plan 4-step to lose belly fat within 1 month

  •       Gradually Increase

    – From the 2nd week onwards, increase the number of times you do the incline walk and cycling or increase the difficulty level of your cardio exercises; either one of them. This can be done by increasing the duration of both the walk and cycling by 5-10 minutes or increasing the speed of the incline walk. Here too, the weight loss won’t happen much, but it’s good to give a start. By the end of 4 weeks, you should be doing 40 to 50 minutes of incline walking, but this also depends on the type of work or lifestyle you lead. If you have an active lifestyle, you needn’t do so much.

Best Diet plan  4-step to lose belly fat within 1 month

Best DIet plan 4-step to lose belly fat within 1 month

  •       You should monitor that outside your cardio workout, have you become more fatigued or tired to do other activities

    – Then it’s absolutely useless. If this is the case, then you should be spending less time in incline walk and start doing weight-lifting. It’ll help you to look better and increase your muscle strength too. You should also take stock of the calories you burn and intake. If you burn 300 calories and regain it back in diet; then all the workout you did has been undone, hence, your calorie intake also needs to be monitored regularly.


  •  Maintain the physique

    – You should be able to stick to the cardio routine you have started on; which you alone can find out. Are you able to stick to the cardio routine consistently? If not, you need to make changes to your routine.


Blog Author

Shandi Sinclair.

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